[Live-devel] Questions about source codes

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Fri Nov 28 21:29:20 PST 2003

>While I tried to learn more from source codes, I was confused about *SINK 
>and *SOURCE.
>Originally, I thought *SINK means the module is responsible for RECEIVING 
>data, whereas *SOURCE means the module is responsible for SENDING data.

That's correct - but the sending/receiving of data happens *within the 
application* - and doesn't necessarily correspond to what packets get sent 
or received by the application.  So, for example, a server application 
(such as "testOnDemandRTSPServer") that sends RTP packets will create one 
or more "RTPSink" modules.  These "RTPSink" modules receive data from 
other, "*Source" modules (e.g., to read data from a file), and, as a side 
effect, transmit RTP packets.

In other words, 'Source' and 'Sink" describe the flow of data *within the 

	Ross Finlayson

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