[Live-devel] How can I implement the action(such as Backward or Forward) on RTSP client?

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Thu Apr 29 11:40:19 PDT 2004

>I use testOnDemandRTSPServer.exe as my server, and use VLC as client.
>VLC can't implement the action(such as Backward of Forward).What should I do?

To implement RTSP 'trick mode' operations (pause, seek, fast forward, 
reverse play) in VLC, support for each operation needs to be present in 
three places:

1/ In the VLC module ("vlc/modules/demux/livedotcom.cpp") that implements 
VLC's interface to the LIVE.COM RTSP client code.  (This code needs to 
handle the corresponding VLC GUI operations that do each 'trick mode' 

2/ The LIVE.COM RTSP client code ("RTSPClient").

3/ The LIVE.COM RTSP server code - in particular, "RTSPServer", 
"ServerMediaSubsession", and its hierarchical subclasses 
"OnDemandServerMediaSubsession", "FileServerMediaSubsession" and 

Looking at each of the 'trick mode' operations in turn:
- Pause is implemented in 2/ and 3/, but not yet in 1/
- Seek is implemented in 2/, but not yet in 1/ or 3/
- Fast forward and reverse play are not yet implemented in 1/, 2/ or 3/.

Of these tasks, the most difficult task would be to implement fast forward 
and reverse play in 3/

	Ross Finlayson

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