[Live-devel] testOnDemandRTSPServer URL forming question

Jason Davis jason.lee.davis at gmail.com
Wed Aug 11 12:41:33 PDT 2004

I send a DESCRIBE to the testOnDemandRTSPServer program, with the form:

The server replies with an OK, along with a "a=control:track1"
attribute in the SDP.  When I append this to my URL, I get:
When it seems to be expecting:

Can anyone point me to the relative specs that say when/where to
append a "/" in the URL before appending the control attribute?  All
the examples I see that use a relative URL in the control attribute
have a trailing / already present in a Content-base.  However, when I
append a / to my URL I get a 404 Not found error response to the

Thanks for the help.

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