[Live-devel] unable to recieve unsupported RTP data using openRTSP ...

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Fri Aug 13 22:08:10 PDT 2004

At 10:49 AM 8/13/04, you wrote:
>I understand that openRTSP can recieve unsupported RTP data using -s

Yes, but note that JPEG RTP streams *are* supported.  So, you shouldn't use 
the "-s" option when (trying to) receive a JPEG RTP stream.

>even tough it creates a file by name application-JPEG-1 in the testProgs
>folder it doesnt write anything into it.

That's odd, considering that you are receiving RTP packets.

Could you tell is the "rtsp://" URL, so we can test this for ourselves?  If 
not, then you're going to have to trace through the code yourself to figure 
out why "JPEGVideoRTPSource" (and/or its parent class 
"MultiFramedRTPSource") is not receiving complete JPEG frames.

	Ross Finlayson

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