[Live-devel] Synchronization drift

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Fri Dec 3 10:18:19 PST 2004

At 09:25 AM 12/3/04, you wrote:
>The drift is noticable much more quickly than an hour...you can start to 
>detect it within a few minutes. Is the audio frame duration extracted from 
>the stream itself, or does it go on the bit rate estimation given in the 
>test program???

No, it's extracted from the stream itself - in the function 
"MPEG1or2AudioStreamFramer::currentFramePlayTime()".  (The bit rate 
estimation in the test program affects only the rate at which RTCP packets 
are sent; it is not important.)

Do you have an example of a file that illustrates this problem?  If so, 
please put it online and send the URL, so I can test it for myself.  (Try 
to find a file that makes the A/V drift most obvious.)

	Ross Finlayson

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