[Live-devel] stocking mplayer and errors at testOnDemandRTSP

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Wed Jan 28 03:22:32 PST 2004

Thanks to Michael Niedermayer (one of the "ffmpeg" authors) for explaining 
that ffmpeg's use of the "GroupOfVideoObjectPlane" header is not, in fact, 
buggy: It is actually legal for this header to appear at other than exact 
'1 second' points within a MPEG-4 video stream.

I have now updated the "MPEG4VideoStreamFramer" class once again to allow 
for this, and have installed a new version (2004.01.28) of the "LIVE.COM 
Streaming Media" code.

If you are streaming (transmitting) MPEG-4 video, then please upgrade to 
this latest version of the code (*especially* if you are streaming MPEG-4 
video that was generated by "ffmpeg").

	Ross Finlayson

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