[Live-devel] small bug in rtspclient

Gabriel Bouvigne gabriel.bouvigne at resonate-mp4.com
Tue Jun 1 10:35:27 PDT 2004


I found a small bug in rtspclient.cpp, when looking for a "Session:" header.

Here is the correction (code snippet):

     // Look for a "Session:" header (to set our session id), and
     // a "Transport: " header (to set the server address/port)
     // For now, ignore other headers.  (Later, check for "CSeq" also #####)
     char* lineStart;
     char* sessionId = new char[readBufSize]; // ensures we have enough 
     while (1) {
       lineStart = nextLineStart;
       if (lineStart == NULL) break;

       nextLineStart = getLine(lineStart);

       if (sscanf(lineStart, "Session: %s", sessionId) == 1) {
         char tmpSessionID[17];
         //one server is responding this way: "Session: 
         //the "timeout" part should not be used.

         memcpy(tmpSessionID, sessionId, 16);
         tmpSessionID[16] = 0;
         subsession.sessionId = strDup(tmpSessionID);

	    delete[] fLastSessionId; fLastSessionId = strDup(tmpSessionID);

       char* serverAddressStr;
       portNumBits serverPortNum;
       unsigned char rtpChannelId, rtcpChannelId;
       if (parseTransportResponse(lineStart,
				 serverAddressStr, serverPortNum,
				 rtpChannelId, rtcpChannelId)) {
	delete[] subsession.connectionEndpointName();
	subsession.connectionEndpointName() = serverAddressStr;
	subsession.serverPortNum = serverPortNum;
	subsession.rtpChannelId = rtpChannelId;
	subsession.rtcpChannelId = rtcpChannelId;
     delete[] sessionId;



Gabriel Bouvigne
Resonate mp4
Tel: (+33) 142 411 665

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