[Live-devel] test Streamer problems

Roberto Nappi r_nappi at yahoo.it
Fri Mar 5 15:41:49 PST 2004

I'd like to use the test program
testMPEG1or2VideoStreamer. I made my test video
file with the command:

ffmpeg -s 352x288 -i myfile.yuv myfile.mpg

The commands ffplay myfile.mpg and mplayer myfile.mpg
are ok.

I changed test.mpg in myfile.mpg in the test program
and compiled it with:

make testMPEG1or2VideoStreamer

When I execute testMPEG1or2VideoStreamer, the
program's answer is:

MPEG1or2VideoStreamParser::parseSlice(): Saw
unexpected code 0x1e0

How do I use the test program?
What codec does testMPEG1or2VideoStreamer use?

I installed live following the procedure :
./genMakefiles linux

Many thanks for your support.
Ciao, Roberto

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