[Live-devel] frame-by-frame streaming of RAW images

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Fri Mar 26 10:20:35 PST 2004

>We're receiving video frames from a framegrabber card and would like to 
>stream this video to other machines for display.  We receive the 
>individual frames in RAW, uncompressed format.  Does the "LIVE.COM 
>Streaming Media" library interface support this sort of operation?

No, not really - at least, not at present.  The IETF is currently 
standardizing a RTP payload format for "uncompressed video" (see 
but the LIVE.COM code does not yet implement this.

(However, we would be willing to add support for this payload format should 
your company be interested in providing funding for this.  If so, just let 
me know (by separate email).)

	Ross Finlayson

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