[Live-devel] Receiving video from a mixer

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Mon May 24 03:53:08 PDT 2004

>I am trying to use the Live.com code to receive video from a mixer, which 
>is multiplexing multiple video streams in a single RTP session.  I am 
>using JPEGVideoRTPSource as the packet source, but I haven't been able to 
>figure out how to demultiplex the streams in the sink based on their 
>SSRC.  Is there a way to handle this scenario with the Live.com library?

I have just installed a new version (2004.05.24) of the "LIVE.COM Streaming 
Media" libraries that provides some basic support for this.

The "RTPSource" object now has a new member function
which tells the data receiver the SSRC of the most recently received 
packet.  You can call this from within your 'after getting' function to 
help demultiplex the data, based on SSRC.

(I.e., you will need to do the demultiplexing yourself - in your 'after 
getting' function - but using the "lastReceivedSSRC()" member function to 
help you.)

	Ross Finlayson

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