[Live-devel] testMP3Streamer

David Skiba skiba at avaya.com
Wed May 26 09:00:43 PDT 2004



I just downloaded the software and built testMP3Streamer for Windows.

I had to make one change to get this to work for my test but want to know

if there may be something I am doing wrong.


In the function static Boolean socketIsReadable(int socket)

I had to skip the select call and always return true. For some reason the

WinSock select call returns -1 for my file handle. Looking in some other 

groups it seems the select call from WinSock does not work for file handles.

After this change the sample streamed fine to RealPlayer.


This function is probably not the place for this kind of change since I
assume this will

report all normal sockets readable all the time.


Is this what others have found? Or could it be something with my build. I

not able to use the make files generated for Windows with VC++ .NET 2003 so

I had to build my own projects.



Thanks for your help,



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