[Live-devel] testMPEG4VideoTodarwin problem with authentication

Thanh Nguyen nguyen at tnt.uni-hannover.de
Thu Oct 21 16:10:51 PDT 2004

Hi all,

If I run testMPEG4VideoTodarwin <server-IP-address>, I get the error:

injector->setDestination() failed: cannot handle ANNOUNCE response: RTSP/1.0 401 Unauthorized

In file testMPEG4VideoTodarwin.cpp I have extended the methode

with 3 parameters: 554, <my-user-name>, <my-password>

In Darwin Streaming Server I have created user with <my-user-name> and <my-password>.

can someone help me to solve this proplem?.

Thanh Nguyen

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