[Live-devel] Re: Problem with a packet comtain not only one payload

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Tue Oct 26 10:04:26 PDT 2004

The way that the library implements the reception of RTP payload formats 
that allow more than one frame to be packed into a single RTP packet is to:
- define a subclass of "BufferedPacket" that reimplements the virtual 
function "nextEnclosedFrameSize()".  (This virtual function tells the rest 
of the code where each frame is located within each incomng RTP packet.)
- define a subclass of "BufferedPacketFactory" that redefines the virtual 
function "createNewPacket()" (called "createNew()" in versions of the code 
prior to 2004.10.26) to create objects of your new "BufferedPacket" subclass.

You can see several examples of this in the "liveMedia" directory (search 
for "nextEnclosedFrameSize").  See, for example, "MPEG4GenericRTPSource.cpp".

	Ross Finlayson

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