[Live-devel] GSM Streaming

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Fri Apr 1 15:27:39 PST 2005

>I'm using the testOnDemandRTSPServer, and it work perfectly. The next step 
>that I want to do is to stream GSM coded files on demand. I've looked 
>through the way the wave header is parsed and the playback happens, but 
>either my GSM file does not have sufficient info in the header, or I need 
>to know something more about GSM. Does anybody have an idea of how GSM 
>streaming is suppose to work ?

Streaming GSM is quite easy - just use a "GSMAudioRTPSink".  The input to 
this should be discrete GSM frames.  Note that each GSM frame is exactly 33 
bytes in size, and has a duration of 20 ms.

So, if your GSM input file contains *only* GSM frame data (i.e., with no 
extra header), then you can create a source object using 
"ByteStreamFileSource" - e.g.,
         ByteStreamFileSource::createNew(*env, inputFileName, 33, 20000);

Then just feed this source object into a "GSMAudioRTPSink".

	Ross Finlayson

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