[Live-devel] Modifying DeviceSource.cpp

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Thu Aug 11 02:09:50 PDT 2005

>I am absolutely new to Live tools. As suggested by the group I tried 
>to look into the VLC code for checking how the streaming video can 
>be displayed in a window. But I am still unable to make out how 
>exactly this can be done. I could understand that, to stream the 
>incoming video in a window, VLC uses directX. Can anybody kindly 
>help me or share a piece of code showing streaming of incoming video 
>in a window.  What type of filesink is supposed to be created ? And 
>how to link the video stream to a window for rendering ?

Look at "modules/demux/livedotcom.cpp" in the VLC source code to see 
how VLC interfaces to the LIVE.COM code (and look at the rest of the 
VLC source code to see how it displays video).  Any further questions 
about that code should go to a VLC mailing list (not this list).

	Ross Finlayson

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