[Live-devel] About RTSP Url

alexkid.live55 at gmail.com alexkid.live555 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 11:00:14 PST 2005

Ross Finlayson a écrit :

>> So, should I change something in the RTSPServer class, or implement 
>> my proper class for adding this feature?
> No, I suggest not trying to add hierarchy to your stream names at all.
>     Ross Finlayson
>     Live Networks, Inc. (LIVE555.COM)
>     <http://www.live555.com/>
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But i really need this feature for this project,
and in the other hand you can find it in the rfc 2326 at section 3.2 of 
the RTSP Protocol.
So could you give me a way to release it?

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