[Live-devel] Receive MPEG using RTSP over HTTP...

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Wed Dec 14 00:46:41 PST 2005

>Sorry but I gave you an other address, probably you've missed my 
>mail. Sorry again, so the address is:

OK, I no longer get authentication requests when I connect to this 
server using RTSP-over-HTTP.  However, the server has other problems.

In particular, it does not return a proper SDP description in the 
"DESCRIBE" response.  Each line in the SDP description appears to end 
just with a single <NL> character.  Instead, each line should end 
with <CR><NL>.  Also, the whole SDP description should end with 

Also, your server does not appear to respond properly to the 
"OPTIONS" request.   It seems to be returning a SDP description (as 
if it were responding to "DESCRIBE").

You will need to fix your server (to make it compliant) before I will 
be able to help you further.  I don't have the time to debug your 
server for you (especially since it appears not to be using our software).

	Ross Finlayson
	Live Networks, Inc. (LIVE555.COM)

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