[Live-devel] doGetNextFrame doubt

Luca Zappella luca at filibusta.crema.unimi.it
Wed Feb 2 15:50:55 PST 2005

Hi Ross,
thanks for your previous reply.

I still have some doubts. I need to stream on demand from my encoder. I
have written these classes:

-m4vsource that is like deviceSource

-Mpeg4VideoServerMediaSubsession that is similar to
MPEG4VideoFileServerMediaSubsession where I create my m4vsource obj and
use an MPEG4VideoStreamFramer (or discreteFramer, I have to decide it)

-Rtsp that is a different thread from the encoder thread. Here I add the
streams to an rtspServer.

When my encoder has a new frame has to put them inside m4vsource, I
think I can copy the frame to the fTo pointer.

The point is: who is calling doGetNextFrame or deliverFrame? I designed
the structure in the way that my encoder has a handler to access to
m4vsource but I don't understand if I have to call the doGetNextFrame or
not, and if not (as I think) who is going to call it? 

Thank you very much!

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