[Live-devel] PlayBack Control on JPEG Streaming

Ryan Chong fantasychong at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 25 02:16:37 PDT 2005

Good day.

I am facing problem when trying to implement custom PlayBack (PB)
control on custom JPEG VideoSource.

I am trying to add some PB control through JPEGFileVideoSource derived
JPEGVideoSource class. I also derived a JPEGFileServerMediaSubsession
from OnDemandServerMediaSubsession.

My planning is to pass the command from some external command handling
process to the VideoSource through the RTSPServer or
ServerMediaSubsession. (The ServerMediaSession seems has no involvement
in the VideoSource control.)

However, after tracing the source, I found that the RTSPServer (the
RTSPClientSession) only handle command from the RTSP protocol (client
side), which I have no access to, with the QuickTime player I used. 

The OnDemandServerMediaSubsession is able to access the VideoSource, as
it hold a parameter named fLastStreamToken. But after further study, I
found that the fLastStreamToken is a void* to a "local" (?) class
StreamState, which is not accessible by the derived class of the
OnDemandServerMediaSubsession. Besides, the fLastStreamToken is also a
private member that also not accessible by derived class.

Is there a proper way to implement custom PB control?

Hope this does not make much trouble to you.

Thanks for reading.


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