[Live-devel] OnDemandServerMediaSubSession

Aeschbacher Fabrice Fabrice.Aeschbacher at siemens.com
Fri Jun 24 15:52:44 PDT 2005


I wrote my own class "MySource", derived from FramedSource, for getting an H263 video source from a (TCP) socket.
I am able to use this class within an RTSP Server using "PassiveServerMediaSubsession" to stream over a multicast address and play the video stream with mplayer.

Now, I am trying to write kind of a MyServerMediaSubsession, derived from OnDemandServerMediaSubsession, but without success until now.

I overloaded the createNewRTPSink(), createNewStreamSource() and getStreamParameters() methods. In the latter, I am only setting the destination (multicast) address:

	destinationAddress = our_inet_addr("");
	isMulticast = true;

. When I open the URL (with mplayer or openRTSP), I can see that the 3 functions are getting called, and then doGetNextFrame() is also getting called. The client (openRTSP) can connect to the RTSP server, but does not get any byte. What I am doing wrong?

. Is it basicaly possible to write an OnDemandServer to stream on a multicast address?

. Supposing the server will function correctly to start streaming on demand. How does it know when all client connections are closed (remember I'm streaming on multicast), so that it can stop streaming?

Best regards,
Fabrice Aeschbacher

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