[Live-devel] SendingInterfaceAddr

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Wed Mar 9 15:33:13 PST 2005

>is there any way to access the variable SendingInterfaceAddr of
>GroupsockHelper.cpp so that setupDatagramSocket() uses a specific interface
>instead of INADDR_ANY?

Yes, that variable is publically accessible; feel free to assign it (before 
calling "setup*Socket()") if you wish.

         SendingInterfaceAddr = our_inet_addr("123.234.210");

>Wouldn't an additional Groupsock constructor like the following one be
>smarter than a global variable?

In hindsight, probably yes.  (However, it's fairly unusual for people to 
want to set this.)

	Ross Finlayson

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