[Live-devel] BufferPacket

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Wed May 4 15:56:43 PDT 2005

>I noticed that some payload formats are using class called
>BufferedPacket and ReorderingPacketBuffer.
>I was wondering that each RTP packet payload could contain frames
>preceded by a special Header, and it could need some informations
>in the RTP header such as Timestamp and Sequence Number for
>Interleaving processing. Could be it the reason for use that class?

Yes.  To implement reception of some RTP payload formats with special 
headers, we subclass "BufferedPacket" (and reimplement the virtual function 
"nextEnclosedFrameSize()) and "BufferedPacketFactory" (and reimplement the 
virtual function "createNewPacket()").  See, for example, the 
implementations of: "MPEG4GenericRTPSource" and "AMRAudioRTPSource".

(Note, however, that "ReorderingPacketBuffer" is used only within 
"MultiFramedRTPSource" (the base class for all RTP payload format reception 
implementations), and is *not* subclassed anywhere.)

	Ross Finlayson

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