[Live-devel] Bug Report: MPlayer with Live loses packets during RTP streaming

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live.com
Thu May 19 09:09:00 PDT 2005


The setting of the size of the UDP receive buffers is done in 
"libmpdemux/demux_rtp.cpp" in the MPlayer source code.  Note the code that 
sets "desiredReceiveBufferSize".

Currently, the video receive buffer size is set to ~2 MBytes.  You may wish 
to increase this value.  (If you're running MPlayer on Linux, I think 
there's also a system-wide setting that you need to change, but I forget 
the details.)

Also, I suggest trying VLC <http://www.videolan.org/vlc/> instead of 
MPlayer.  IMHO, VLC is a better player than MPlayer.  (Like MPlayer, VLC 
also uses the "LIVE.COM Streaming Media" code for RTSP/RTP client support, 
and sets the UDP receive buffer sizes in "modules/demux/livedotcom.cpp".)

	Ross Finlayson

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