[Live-devel] Support for hintrack

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Thu Nov 3 13:28:08 PST 2005


Thanks for the contribution.  Taking a quick look at your code, it 
seems that what you call 'hint tracks' are not the same as what Apple 
calls 'hint tracks' (in ".mov" or ".mp4" files).  Those 'hint tracks' 
are data structures that describe how codec data is packetized into 
outgoing RTP packets.  In your case, what you call a 'hint track' is 
actually an index into the file, to assist in seeking.  (I.e., a name 
like "index file" would be more descriptive.)

FYI, I ended up developing a similar 'index file' format to assist 
with 'trick play' support for Transport Stream files.  Someday this 
will probably get added to the public "LIVE555 Streaming Media" release.

Finally, a general suggestion for everyone who decides to modify the 
code:  I strongly suggest that people *not* reuse the existing file 
and class names - as you have done.  Instead, create new class names 
and associated file names.  This will make it much easier for you to 
upgrade to new versions of the "LIVE555 Streaming Media" code, as 
they are released.

	Ross Finlayson
	Live Networks, Inc. (LIVE555.COM)

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