[Live-devel] problem with MPEG4 ES

Stefano Za stefano.za at gmail.com
Wed Oct 5 19:10:05 PDT 2005

Hi all,
I have a problem with the use of mpeg 4 ES:
when I run the openRTSP program to see the mpeg4 ES, I have this output:
[...after the sdp information....]

Created receiver for "video/MP4V-ES" subsession (client ports 33178-33179)
Setup "video/MP4V-ES" subsession (client ports 33178-33179)
Created output file: "video-MP4V-ES-1"
Started playing session
Receiving streamed data (signal with "kill -HUP 22255" or "kill -USR1
22255" to terminate)...
MultiFramedRTPSource::doGetNextFrame1(): The total received frame size
exceeds the client's buffer size (20000).  104 bytes of trailing data
will be dropped!


Well, the file video-MP4V-ES-1 is created but its size is less than
the test.m4v size,
and I cannot see it.
What is the problem? I think that is the codec of my mpeg4 file, so
how can I create a right mpeg4 ES file?
Which program (and codec) must be used for?

..... e Dio disse "pkunzip universo" (anonimo)

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