[Live-devel] need help to anderstand live555 RTSPServer part

pierre.lhussiez pierre.lhussiez at laposte.net
Thu Oct 6 19:13:31 PDT 2005

Hi ross,
I have modified RTSPServer to stream files on demand.
I create session and subsession on client connection in
 RTSPServer::RTSPClientSession::handleCmd_DESCRIBE(char const* cseq, char const* urlSuffix, char const* fullRequestStr)
is it the good place to do this?
My code work like this:
When the client open the url like rtsp://<ip server>/<mp3FileName>.mp3
If urlSuffix is a existing file then
   If no session exists for this file then     
      Creating a ServerMediaSession having urlSuffix as session streamName
   Adding a new MP3AudioFileServerMediaSubsession to this session
That’s working but the SubSessions (each ones corresponding to a client reading this file) are not destroyed when client client disconnection occurs.
I don't understand why RTSPServer keeps subsessions when a client leave.
Is it the right place to do this (creating session and subsession on client connection) ?
Thanks in advance, for your helpful explanations

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