[Live-devel] Which class to use?

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Tue Oct 11 02:15:28 PDT 2005

>I've done what you've suggested. It works fine (I think), though I 
>have an other question. I want to synch the audio belonging to one 
>GOP to the video and wanted to use the "presentationTime" for this 
>purpose. What I can see is as follows: when the program starts the 
>value is fine (something like 1128947795, which is a correct UNIX 
>date), then after a while it jumps to 348866 (it is incrementing of 
>course). How this can be?

The presentationTime values before the 'jump' were just guesses, 
because RTCP "Sender Report" (SR) packets from the server had not yet 
arrived.  Once the first SR arrives, however, the presentationTime 
value will be accurate.

Note that you can use the function 
"RTPSource::hasBeenSynchronizedUsingRTCP()" to test whether or not 
RTCP SRs have started arriving.

>  Where this stamp is comming from, who is generating it (the device 
> maybe)? Please help me or give me a WWW pointer where I can read about it.

See <http://www.live.com/liveMedia/faq.html#separate-rtp-streams>

	Ross Finlayson
	Live Networks, Inc. (LIVE555.COM)

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