[Live-devel] genWindowsMakefiles for Windows

Herzog Erwin Erwin.Herzog at post.at
Sat Oct 22 23:57:40 PDT 2005

This is the Windows-version of genWindowsMakefiles:
Create a Textfile named: genWindowsMakefiles.cmd
and copy this lines into the file:
@Echo OFF
for %%I in (%0) do %%~dI
for %%I in (%0) do cd "%%~pI"
cd liveMedia
del /Q liveMedia.mak
del /Q Makefile
type Makefile.head ..\win32config Makefile.tail > liveMedia.mak
cd ../groupsock
del /Q groupsock.mak
del /Q Makefile
type Makefile.head ..\win32config Makefile.tail > groupsock.mak
cd ../UsageEnvironment
del /Q UsageEnvironment.mak
del /Q Makefile
type Makefile.head ..\win32config Makefile.tail > UsageEnvironment.mak
cd ../BasicUsageEnvironment
del /Q BasicUsageEnvironment.mak
del /Q Makefile
type Makefile.head ..\win32config Makefile.tail > BasicUsageEnvironment.mak
cd ../testProgs
del /Q testProgs.mak
del /Q Makefile
type Makefile.head ..\win32config Makefile.tail > testProgs.mak


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