[Live-devel] What's wrong with this warning message?

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Fri Apr 14 08:12:20 PDT 2006

At 06:37 AM 4/14/2006, you wrote:
>Dear Ross....
>I got following warning message.
>StreamParser::afterGettingBytes() warning: read 2134 bytes; expected 
>no more than 1472
>Could you please tell me what dose it stand for?

This message is a sanity check.  It indicates that the source object 
that feeds into this parser object is delivering more data than it should have.

What is probably happening is that you wrote a "FramedSource" 
subclass that mis-implemented "doGetNextFrame()".  You are apparently 
not checking the value of "fMaxSize".  The amount of data that you 
copy (and whose count you set in "fFrameSize") must not be greater 
than "fMaxSize".  (See the comments in "liveMedia/DeviceSource.cpp" 
for help here.)

(If, on the other hand, you are seeing this error with the original, 
unmodified source code, then please let us know how we can reproduce it.)

	Ross Finlayson
	Live Networks, Inc. (LIVE555.COM)

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