[Live-devel] RTCP Receiver Report

barounis at ceid.upatras.gr barounis at ceid.upatras.gr
Wed Apr 26 05:52:41 PDT 2006

Hello, Ross

just a small question

I've seen that I can read the RTCP stats from the file "RTPSink.cpp" in the line 

fprintf(stderr, "RTCP RR data (received at %lu.%06ld): lossStats 0x%08x,
lastPacketNumReceived 0x%08x, jitter 0x%08x, lastSRTime 0x%08x, diffSR_RRTime
0x%08x\n", fTimeReceived.tv_sec, fTimeReceived.tv_usec, lossStats,
lastPacketNumReceived, jitter, lastSRTime, diffSR_RRTime);

As I can understand by the use of fprintf, the lossStats variable is used in a
hexademical format. 
Why is this format used ? 
This variable represents the total number of lost packets. So can we use a
decimal variable ? 
I've tried a wireless streaming using a laptop and after a few seconds the
lossStats = 0xf7000518 
(I think the hex value is f7000518. Am I right ? If we convert to a dec the
number is quite big for such a small time streaming)

Thank u very much 

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