[Live-devel] streaming ADTS file

Li bz paul_li20 at yahoo.com.cn
Fri Feb 10 04:53:46 PST 2006

Hi, Ross,

I have one ADTS aac audio file, I have question about
streaming by 2 different RTPSinks.

1) If I choose MPEG4GenericRTPSink, in 
UsageEnvironment& env, Groupsock* RTPgs,
u_int8_t rtpPayloadFormat,	
u_int32_t rtpTimestampFrequency,
char const* sdpMediaTypeString,
char const* mpeg4Mode,	
char const* configString, unsigned numChannels)

here parameter mpeg4Mode, from the source, it seems
only permit "AAC-hbr", how about "AAC-lbr"? 
about parameter configString, the only way to get it
is to open the file and analyze the header of ADTS,

2) If I choose MPEG4LATMAudioRTPSink, in 
UsageEnvironment& env, Groupsock* RTPgs,
u_int8_t rtpPayloadFormat,
u_int32_t rtpTimestampFrequency,
char const* streamMuxConfigString,
unsigned numChannels,
Boolean allowMultipleFramesPerPacket)

About parameter streamMuxConfigString, is it same as
parameter configString in first function?

3) in ADTSAudioFileSource.cpp, during the analyzation
of frame_length, in the following code 
if (!protection_absent) 
    fseek(fFid, 16, SEEK_CUR);
    numBytesToRead = numBytesToRead > 16 ?
numBytesToRead - 16 : 0;
I think crc length should be 16 bits,2 bytes, so here
16 should be changed to 2, is that right?

Thank you for your reply.



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