[Live-devel] startPlaying - stopPlaying - startPlaying issues

David BERTRAND bidibulle at operamail.com
Tue Feb 14 16:24:42 PST 2006

I found another issue regarding cascading calls to startPlaying and stopPlaying on the same RTP source. 
In MultiFramedRTPSource::doStopGettingFrames() a reset of the ReorderingPacketBuffer should be done so tat you can restart playing again the same source without waiting for an old "NextExpectedSeqNo" or using an old "fHeadPacket".
I suggest the following patch :

- a new reset() member of ReorderingPacketBuffer :

void ReorderingPacketBuffer::reset() {
  if (fHeadPacket == NULL) {
    delete fSavedPacket;
  } else {
    delete fHeadPacket; // will also delete fSavedPacket, because it's on the list
  fHaveSeenFirstPacket = False;
  fHeadPacket = NULL;
  fSavedPacket = NULL;


-a call to this new reset() method in MultiFramedRTPSource::doStopGettingFrames() :

void MultiFramedRTPSource::doStopGettingFrames() {
  fAreDoingNetworkReads = False;
  // David 14/02/06 : proposed patch to liveMedia library

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

> 1) If my RTPSource is a MultiFramedRTPSource (e.g H263plusVideoRTPSource):
>  -the first sink->startPlaying(source) calls RTPInterface->startNetworkReading : OK
>  -then, the sink->stopPlaying() call does RTPInterface->stopNetworkReading : OK
>  -then, the second sink->startPlaying doesn't call RTPInterface->startNetworkReading : NOK !
>  This is because variable "fAreDoingNetworkReads" is never set to False except when the source is created or deleted. IMO, it should be set to False in MultiFramedRTPSource::doStopGettingFrames(). Is that right ??

Yes, that was a bug.

> 2) if my Source is an AMRDeinterleaver, the RTPInterface->startNetworkReading is done by the related rawAMRRTPSource when my sink starts playing, but the RTPInterface->stopNetworkReading is never done when I stop playing. This is because AMRDeinterleaver is not inherited from MultiFramedRTPSource but from FramedSource whose doStopGettingFrames does nothing. I guess something is missing regarding the RTPInterface when stopPlaying is called. Do you agree ?

Yes, that's another bug.  The "AMRDeinterleaver" class should have reimplemented the virtual function "doStopGettingFrames()" (by calling "stopGettingFrames()" on the input source ("RawAMRRTPSource").

I've now installed a new version (2005.10.05) that fixes both of these bugs.  Thanks for reporting these.

    Ross Finlayson
    Live Networks, Inc. (LIVE555.COM)

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