[Live-devel] automake

Erwin Rol mailinglists at erwinrol.com
Thu Feb 23 16:52:16 PST 2006

On Thu, 2006-02-23 at 12:53 +0100, Derk-Jan Hartman wrote:
> On 23-feb-2006, at 2:05, Erwin Rol wrote:

> Please do share :D

Attached a tar.gz file that should be unpacked in the live source dir.


post bounced because the file was to big > 40k so now you can download
it from :


It only adds files so the tar file is easier that a patch for the
moment. After unpacking run the ./autogen.sh file, this _will_ over
write "configure". After that run ./configure, and that will over write
all the Makefiles. And after that just run make.
Keep in mind it only supports linux at the moment, but it should be easy
to do the other systems that have automake. In the configure.in there is
a "start" for adding more OS'es, but i don't knwo all the names that
autoconf uses. Also some things in the config.<OS> files seems weird,
for example for C++ there is -DBSD but for C there isn't etc.

Ok updates, fixes and comments welcome. 

- Erwin

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