[Live-devel] extend playSIP to a full Duplex SIPPhone

Bertram Junker junker at rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
Sat Jan 14 10:29:19 PST 2006

Hi Ross,

I have build playSIP on a Windows CE Maschine and it runs wihout 
problems. So I will extend it also to send PCM Data.

In the SIPClient::getResponseCode() I'm able to find the right port 
where the other SIPClient is listening. But where is the right point to 
build as example a waveAudioFileSource to implement a sender. Have i 
build a second MediaSubsession?

Kinds Regards,


Bertram Junker
Department of Computer Science
Tecnical University of Darmstadt Germany
junker at rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de

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