[Live-devel] PATCH RTSP KeepAlive Support.

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Fri Jan 27 01:45:21 PST 2006


OK, I've now released a new version (2006.01.27) of the code that 
updates "RTSPClient" to:
   - allow the "parameterName" parameter to 
"getMediaSessionParameter()" to be NULL
   - add a "setUserAgentString()" member function, to allow clients to
     specify an alternative string for "User-Agent:" headers
   - parse the optional "timeout" parameter in response "Session:" headers,
     and added a "sessionTimeoutParameter()" member function to retrieve it.

Let me know if these work OK for you.  (If you use the 
"setUserAgentString()" to change the "User-Agent:" header in VLC, 
then please do this only in the 'Kasenna' case, because I'd like the 
original header (containing the LIVE555 Streaming Media version 
number) to still be present in the normal case.

	Ross Finlayson
	Live Networks, Inc. (LIVE555.COM)

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