[Live-devel] G.711 STREAMER

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Wed Jul 26 14:17:57 PDT 2006

>I have an a-law audio file, so I don't need the "aLawFromPCMAudio".
>I have tried to send it with "testWAVAudioStreamer" but the player 
>got only noise. How can I fix it?

Is your file really a ".wav" file??  "testWAVAudioStreamer" is (as 
its name suggests) specifically for ".wav" PCM files.

Streaming a-law audio over RTP is done the same way as streaming 
u-law audio over RTP, except that the MIME subtype is "PCMA" (rather 
than "PCMU"), and - for 8 kHz mono - the static payload type 8 
(rather than 0).  (See RFC 3551.)

You should be able to figure out from the existing code how to do this...

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.
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