[Live-devel] Using an SDP file to receive an RTP stream

Luca Abeni lucabe72 at email.it
Fri Nov 10 07:35:59 PST 2006

Hi Ross,

On Tue, 2006-11-07 at 05:20 -0800, Ross Finlayson wrote:
> >So, I am wondering if anyone has suggestions or hints about how to hack
> >openrtsp for directly using an SDP file (instead of an rtsp:// url).
> First, I presume that this is a multicast stream, rather than a 
> unicast stream.
Yes, sorry... I forgot to say that I am using multicast

> Receiving a multicast stream from a SDP description is easy.  Don't 
> "hack openRTSP"; instead, just write your own application that:
> 1/ Creates a "MediaSession" object, using
> 	MediaSession* mediaSession = MediaSession::createNew(*env, 
> sdpDescription);
> 2/ Iterate through each of the session's "MediaSubsession" objects, 
> 'initiating' each one.  (This creates "RTPSource" and "RTCPInstance" 
> objects for each.)
> 	subsession->initiate();
> 3/ Then, for each "MediaSubsession", create a 'sink' object, and 
> start playing it, to receive the stream:
> 	sink->startPlaying(*(subsession->readSource()), ...);
This worked perfectly, thanks for the explaination!

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