[Live-devel] Strange problem when spawning multiple instances of Live555 programs

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Sun Oct 29 14:24:56 PST 2006

>I have made one program that accepts data on a socket, and 
>retransmits it on a RTSP socket (sort of like 
>testOnDemandRTSPServer, but with socket input instead of a file)

Be sure to set the "reuseFirstSource" parameter to "True" when 
creating each "ServerMediaSubsession" object.

>Everything works fine as long as I spawn no more than 25 
>server/client pairs. If I go above that, say 40, one of the programs 
>(sometimes openRTSP, other times the server) starts hogging CPU 

I suspect you're running into some internal OS limit here - e.g., 
maximum number of sockets or open files.  If so, then this may be 
something that you can reconfigure.

Apart from this, I don't have anything else to suggest right now, 

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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