[Live-devel] mdatFloating point exception

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Tue Sep 19 16:06:51 PDT 2006

>Hi Gurus,
>       I am working on an academic project where I need to open an rtsp
>stream and save it intermediately. I am going to use openRTSP code
>by you.
>But, here it gives a problem "mdatFloating point exception".

I suggest recompiling the code with "-g" (to do this, add "-g" to the 
COMPILE_OPTS line in config.linux, rerun "genMakefiles linux", and 
"make").  Then, rerun the program under "gdb", to see where the error 

(BTW, note that "openRTSP -q" (or "-4" or "-i" outputs to 'stdout'.)

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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