[Live-devel] are there any reference about some members' initialization

freegnu freegnu at 163.com
Thu Sep 21 20:35:49 PDT 2006

hi,all, i want to implement a class called MPEG4ProgramSteamFileServerMediaSubsession
to support mpeg4 stream, but when i read the code of MPEG1or2Demux.cpp i find there are many variables and functions are not open source and dont give the  function prototype, and i dont how to use them.
is any one give me and advice for how to use the functions or variables?

for example:
::MPEG1or2Demux(UsageEnvironment& env,
  FramedSource* inputSource, Boolean reclaimWhenLastESDies)
  : Medium(env),
    fInputSource(inputSource), fMPEGversion(0),
    fNextAudioStreamNumber(0), fNextVideoStreamNumber(0),
    fReclaimWhenLastESDies(reclaimWhenLastESDies), fNumOutstandingESs(0),
    fNumPendingReads(0), fHaveUndeliveredData(False) {
  fParser = new MPEGProgramStreamParser(this, inputSource);
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
    fOutput[i].savedDataHead = fOutput[i].savedDataTail = NULL;
    fOutput[i].isPotentiallyReadable = False;
    fOutput[i].isCurrentlyActive = False;
    fOutput[i].isCurrentlyAwaitingData = False;

//how can i know how to use fInputSource,fMPEGversion......

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