[Live-devel] openrtsp, ffmpeg, and poor H.261 video

peter green pcg at agathongroup.com
Tue Apr 3 16:19:34 PDT 2007

I'm pulling from a Darwin Streaming Server that is broadcasting an SDP from
a Polycom VSX7000e video teleconferencing thing.  I've been able to use
openrtsp to dump the H261 packets along with ulaw packets to individual
files.  I've been able to reassemble them with ffmpeg.  However, the video
is terribly pixelated whenever there is movement on camera.  The stream I'm
pulling looks fine in QuickTime, but the same Quicktime shows really poor
quality video when I reassemble it into a .mov.

My command lines:

  $ openRTSP -u user pass -e 30 rtsp://
  $ ffmpeg -y -r 15 -ar 8000 -acodec pcm_mulaw -f mulaw -i audio-PCMU-2 -f h261 -i video-H261-1 output.mov

On the original stream, QuickTime shows:

       Format:  H.261, 352x288, Millions+
                u-Law 2:1, Mono, 8.000 kHz
          FPS:  0
  Playing FPS:  15

I'm going to check with the ffmpeg list because I have no idea where the
problem is occurring.  All I know is that the stream shows fine in Quicktime
and is garbage once it passes through openRTSP and ffmpeg.

I'm at my wit's end; does anyone know where I should look?


Peter Green : Agathon Group : pcg at agathongroup.com

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