[Live-devel] Video & Audio Properties at RTP Receivers

oscar lima oscar.youx at gmail.com
Wed Dec 5 06:46:46 PST 2007

Hi all,

I am implementing an RTSP Client using the livemedia and much of work
has been done successfully using the lib. Many thanks to developpers.
What I need is to discover the properties of any stream, i.e. video
width and height for audio and frequency/channels for audio  in
different formats (for some of them, they are staightforward as they
are static with the codec name). I have successfully integrated an
MPEG extra data parser, but have some difficulties with the others. So
my questions are :

1. For MPA, MPEG1, and 2, H.261 and H.263 where such information seem
to be integrated in RTP packets, is there any support in the library
that returns them. I have seen soem parsers such as
MPEGVideoStreamParser but they are not used at the receiver side. ?

2. For H.264, is there any parser for the extra info returned by
parseH264ConfigStr ?

Thanks in advance,


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