[Live-devel] One stream to multiple clients

Tom Deblauwe tom.deblauwe at vsk.be
Thu Jun 14 23:35:02 PDT 2007

Ross Finlayson wrote:
>> To implement your own RTSP server, subclass RTSPServer
> No, in most cases you don't need to write your own subclass; the 
> existing "RTSPServer" class will work just fine.  This is especially 
> true if the set of accessible streams is fixed, and known in advance. 
> (See, for example, the code for "testOnDemandRTSPServer".)  However, 
> to repeat the answer to the original question, if you want the 
> contents of a stream to be duplicated to each concurrent client, then 
> make sure that you set the "reuseFirstSource" parameter to True when 
> you create each "ServerMediaSubsession" object.

I've re-read the first question in the FAQ, and now I understand where 
we get the data from.


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