[Live-devel] openrtsp + H261?

peter green pcg at agathongroup.com
Tue Mar 20 16:53:19 PDT 2007

Thanks for the quick response!

* Ross Finlayson <finlayson at live555.com> [070320 14:51]:
> >The resulting stream.mov file is garbage, apparently since video/H261 isn't
> >supported by openRTSP.
> Yes, "video/H261" is supported; if you run "openRTSP" without the 
> "-q" option, you'll get a separate file containing raw H.261 video 
> data.

Ah, right on.  I can use ffmpeg to build that into a mov or mpg.  However, I
can't figure out what to use for the audio input format for ffmpeg.  I've

  alaw            pcm A law format
  mulaw           pcm mu law format
  u16be           pcm unsigned 16 bit big endian format
  u16le           pcm unsigned 16 bit little endian format
  u8              pcm unsigned 8 bit format

And it always comes out sped up by about 3x.  There are also a ton of h261
errors when I run ffmpeg, but I suspect those are a problem with the source.
The first error associated with the audio stream is:

  Seems stream 0 codec frame rate differs from container frame rate: 29.97
  (30000/1001) -> 25.00 (25/1)

Now, I know this isn't an ffmpeg mailing list, and I'll happily head that
way if that's what I need to do.  But I thought I'd check.

> However, the "QuickTimeFileSink" class (which implements the "-q" and 
> "-4" options in "openRTSP") does not currently support H.261 video. 
> (However, this would probably not be difficult to add - e.g., you 
> could use the H.263 implementation as a model.)

"difficult" is, of course, relative. :-)

Peter Green : Agathon Group : pcg at agathongroup.com

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