[Live-devel] about parsing SDP description file

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Fri May 25 11:55:05 PDT 2007

>I used openRTSP to get a H264 file in mp4 format from Darwin 
>Streaming Server. I encoded into the H264 with image size 352x288 by 
>x264 and encapsulated into the mp4 file using MP4Box.  I tried the 
>command of "openRTP -v -4 rtsp://" and however 
>the received mp4 file is in wrong image size, which is default size 
>in the program.

When recording a .mov or .mp4 format file, you should use the "-w", 
"-h" and "-f" options to "openRTSP" to specify the width, height and 
frame rate, respectively.

>I found there was no the line of "a=x-dimensions:<width>,<height>" 
>to update the default width and height by the real dimension. I just 
>found the lines of "a=cliprect:0,0,288,352" and "a=framesize:96 
>First, I didn't find any explanation about the sematics for these 
>two attributes on Internet.

That's because they have not been standardized (as far as I can tell).

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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