[Live-devel] MPEG4VideoStreamFramer and MPEG4VideoStreamDiscreteFramer questions

Nicola Bova - Redsk niki at redsk.net
Sun Oct 28 17:04:39 PDT 2007

* gio 25 ott (23:03), Ross Finlayson scrive:
> >2. If I use MPEG4VideoStreamFramer I get a correct MPEG4 stream that can
> >be played with no problems by Mplayer and vlc. It works both live and
> >by reading the file produced by openRTSP.
> So, the question you need to answer is: What is different about the 
> files recorded by "openRTSP" in each case.  Once you answer this, it 
> should tell you what's going wrong when you use 
> "MPEG4VideoStreamDiscreteFramer".

thank you for your answer, I've followed your suggestion. 
I've discovered that the streams differ only in the header part and,
sniffing with wireshark, I've found out that the error is due to a wrong
SDP produced by MPEG4VideoStreamDiscreteFramer.

In fact using MPEG4VideoStreamFramer the fmtp part of the SDP line is:

fmtp:96 profile-level-id=245; config=000001B0F5000001B50900000100000001200084400668A021E0A31F

and the config is correct (and the stream correctly played), while using
MPEG4VideoStreamDiscreteFramer I get:

fmtp:96 profile-level-id=245; config=000001B0F5000001B50900000100000001200084400668A021

and, as you can see, the config is incomplete. 

Now, given that the mpeg4 header produced by the hw encoder is always
the same, I can't figure out why the "config" is different (I guess

Could you please suggest me what could be wrong? Maybe I've missed

Thank you 

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