[Live-devel] MPEG4VideoStreamFramer and MPEG4VideoStreamDiscreteFramer questions

Nicola Bova - Redsk niki at redsk.net
Sun Oct 28 19:43:59 PDT 2007

* dom 28 ott (18:24), Ross Finlayson scrive:
> Thanks for the detailed report.  This allowed me to identify a bug in 
> "MPEG4VideoStreamDiscreteFramer.cpp" that was causing your problem.
> On line 86 of this file, change
> 	fNumConfigBytes = i-3;
> to
> 	fNumConfigBytes = i < frameSize ? i-3 : frameSize;
> This should fix your problem.

Yes, this fix the problem, now it works great.

Thank you very much for your support!


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very interesting novelty, we have come to the conclusion that it has no
commercial possibilities." --- J.P. Morgan to Alexander G. Bell  

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