[Live-devel] some problems with ByteStreamMultiFileSource

Karlov Andrey kan at pisem.net
Mon Sep 10 01:22:03 PDT 2007

Ok, I agree with you in that case. But that about first case?
Sometimes it's happens =)

For example I have file with size 6011488 bytes.
6011488 = 4568*1316=4568*(7*188) <--it's correct transport stream file,
but then we read last portion of this file:
	fFrameSize = fread(fTo, 1, fMaxSize, fFid);
we read exactly 1316 bytes, the file is no longer left bytes!!!
but also we haven't EOF state, 	for this reason, we will not be able to 
handle the situation properly and in the right place.

 > >1. usually fMaxSize = (7*188)=1316 and then in file remain in exact 
 >>unreaded bytes,
 >>      then EOF don't happens
 >>2. if in file remain little then 188 bytes (TS packet) EOF dont't
 >>happens too
 >The size of all Transport Stream files should be a multiple of 188
 >bytes.  If you have a Transport Stream size whose size is *not* a
 >multiple of 188 bytes, then I suggest rewriting the file to truncate
 >the excess bytes.  Then you won't have this problem.

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