[Live-devel] Can't connect to BBC Radio WMA streams via rtsp

Mark Hingston prn57r at gmail.com
Mon Sep 17 19:47:38 PDT 2007

>>Sending request: SETUP rtsp://wmlive.bbc.co.uk/wms/bbc7/hi_s1/audio
>>CSeq: 3
>>Transport: RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=33094-33095
>>User-Agent: VLC media player (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2006.03.16)
>>Received SETUP response: RTSP/1.0 400 Bad Request
>>Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 07:25:45 GMT
>>CSeq: 3
>>Server: WMServer/
>>Supported: com.microsoft.wm.srvppair, com.microsoft.wm.sswitch,
>>com.microsoft.wm.eosmsg, com.microsoft.wm.fastcache,
>>com.microsoft.wm.packetpairssrc, com.microsoft.wm.startupprofile
>Blame Microsoft for this.  Their server ("WMServer") is not a
>standards-compliant RTSP server.  You will need to find out - from
>Microsoft - why their server is not handling our RTSP "SETUP"
>request.  (Good luck :-)
>In any case, though, even if you could get Microsoft's server to work
>with our RTSP client, VLC would not be able to play this stream,
>because we do not handle the (Microsoft-proprietary) "x-asf-pf" and
>"x-wms-rtx" RTP payload formats, nor the codecs that these RTP
>payload formats carry.  (See
>To summarize: Don't bother trying to play streams from a "WMServer".
>Use a non-Microsoft server instead.

Unfortunately, I don't have the option to just ignore Microsoft servers.
Fortunately though, I've solved the problem and it turns out to be quite a
simple solution. I've attached the entire RTSP conversation that
successfully connects to a WM Server at the BBC.

The important part seems to be that the WM server returns a control
parameter that looks like:
but, in the failed attempts to connect to the WM Server, I was sending the
SETUP and PLAY commands to:
because it seems that the live555 client ignores the control parameter
returned in the DESCRIBE and continues to use the original URL that I gave

SO, when i send SETUP and PLAY to:
I can connect to the BBC and download their stream without a problem (using
a SimpleRTPSource). I'm not sure whether the server or client is at fault
here, I'll leave that up to you guys to decide.

Mark Hingston
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