[Live-devel] Groupsock and non-socket communication?

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Thu Apr 3 18:33:56 PDT 2008

>Has anyone looked into extending or replacing the Groupsock

Yes, it's on our 'to do' list (but I can't give an ETA).  The plan 
will be to make network sockets 'source' or 'sink' objects, just like 
most of the other objects defined by the "LIVE555 Streaming Media" 
libraries.  This will allow people to use virtual networks (including 
network simulators) in place of real networks, if desired.  It will 
also make it easier to support IPv6.

Again, this will be a lot of work, and unfortunately I can't estimate 
when it's likely to happen.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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